BestTradeStation (BTS) is a software platform, which allows players to give away or exchange games, software and other digital goods. Furthermore, the software includes a starter guide to learn about the world of astrology, something that will come in very handy if these are your first steps in this field. The development of this project was initiated by software enthusiasts looking for an easy way to monetize their free time and share the games they are creating. The complete graphical interface of TimePassages will help you to understand the interpretation of the results. You will find 20 astrological reference points, among which you will see the sun, the moon, the eight standard planets, different methods of astrological houses calculations like Koch or Porfirio, calculations with periodical adjustments, planetary patterns. The software offers interactive interpretations, transit and progression charts in time for specific predictions. Real-time margin analysis with V-Performance gives you a comprehensive financial view so you can run your entire energy operation from plant to portfolio in the most optimized manner.

Furthermore, the software is backed by some of the most important professionals of the field, so you can rely on the fact that the data will be correct.

Avoid having to visit a personal shaman or local medium any more, thanks to TimePassages you will be capable of performing astrological queries with hardly a few clicks of the mouse. Get nearer the world of astrology and mystique thanks to this innovating software. TimePassages is an astrology prediction application that allows you to create natal cards, view transit dates, view progressions or compatibility reports about the person the chart is about and somebody else. The bits are stashed on disks of home computers and in the data centers of big corporations and government agencies.